Shopping List

Web Development Side Projects

Visit Project


There was a post on Reddit about an antique pocket shopping list on "r/interestingasfuck".

An antique pocket shopping list is a board with fixed items/groceries and switches for each item so you can mark them for shopping.

I liked the idea so I built it as web app very quickly just for fun.


It’s just a single HTML file with JavaScript and CSS. It uses local storage, allows changing the items and can be added to the home screen of phones. Besides the original antique theme it has another modern theme.

How it’s going

I posted the result into the Reddit thread, posted a new thread and also posted on Product Hunt and Hacker News.

I launched on 2020-11-23 and it got about 800 visits in 2020 and 900 in 2021. Visitors dropped to about 300 in 2022.

Overall it got positive feedback. It got 18 upvotes and one five star review on Product Hunt. The project is still online and can be used. There are also some recurring users, so it seems this is useful for some people.
